Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Assignment for April 8, 2020

Good morning! This is our last assignment about procedure before we get into proper classwork tomorrow.

1. Create a doc in your English folder.
2. Title the doc: First Initial Last Name Summary (example: B Desai Summary). 
This doc is where step four goes.
3. Read the section below called “A Note on Deadlines.” 
4. Summarize the information you read in step 3. (Write it in your doc.) Keep 
it brief. Hit the main points. I just want to know that you read and understood it.

When: Have this task completed (the document in your English folder) 
by Thursday, April 9, by 2 p.m.

What credit looks like
-The doc is in your English folder.
-The doc is titled as shown in the instructions (with your first initial and last name)
-It’s a summary of the material written below.

What no credit looks like
-There is no doc like this in the folder.
-The doc is improperly titled.
-There is no summary in the doc.

A Note on Deadlines: If you need an extension for any assignment, please 
let me know before the due date. Do not wait until the due date has passed 
to communicate with me. 
The late policy is different now because the situation is different. 
I know that there might be a number of reasons you need extra time. Some 
of you might have to take care of an ill parent or sibling. Some of you may 
be ill yourselves. Some of you have 504s or IEPs that allow you extra time 
on some types of work, and you may not always need it but you find that 
now you do. 

If you need more time, please tell me before the deadline. We can work 
out something to make sure you’re successful. Communication will be 
more important than ever in this new format.