Monday, April 6, 2020

Assignment for April 6, 2020

What: Send me an email (do not reply to an earlier one, please), so that I know 
you’re out there and ready to respond to assignments. 
You can tell me something as simple as “hi,” ask a question, tell me about 
your morning, whatever you like.

Due date: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 by 2 p.m. (please keep in mind computers 
and the internet can be finicky. Send a few minutes before 1:59 is my advice.) :)

What credit looks like
You sent me an email (not a reply to an earlier one).
It arrived/is time stamped before 2 p.m Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

What no credit looks like
You sent a reply to an earlier mail instead of a new mail.
You replied after 2 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday, April 7, 2020).
You did not reply.

Please know, in the new system there is no partial credit. You either 
earn credit or no credit.