Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Assignment for April 29

I hope you're all doing well. Here's a chance to express your thoughts about
your current situation. 
  • Create a doc in your English folder called First Initial Last Name Loss 
    • (example B Desai Loss).
  • Write a personal essay or a short story that has these two components: 
    • What do you mourn the loss of in this shutdown?
    • What good things do you look forward to
You may write this in first person (personal essay) or, if it makes sense to you, 
write it as a story in third person with a fictional character (which can make it easier to 
process and give you more control than first person). 
For fun, if you want to, you can include images-photos, drawings, doodles. 
(Please keep them appropriate for your teacher to see). 
This gets credit for content/completion and a separate credit for mechanics
(If google underlines a mistake, be sure to fix it, and fix any other mistakes 
that you catch.)
Due date: Wednesday, May 6 by 2 p.m.
What credit looks like (content
  • The essay/story should include both components (loss and looking forward). 
  • A completed essay or short story.
What credit looks like (mechanics)
  • You have fixed your errors. You have overall blemish-free mechanics.
  • The story should include both components (loss and looking forward).
What no credit looks like (content)
  • No essay or story in your English folder labeled as specified.
  • An incomplete story or essay.
  • You don't follow the "prompt." 
What no credit looks like (mechanics)
  • You have lots of typos and errors.