Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Enrichment Work

For March 30: Here's a comma review activity with a flash card quiz.
Comma Review

Also, check this out:
For this week's enrichment, you could write an essay to entry an FFA contest. Prizes are:
First place: $7,500
Second place: $5,000
Third place: $2,500

To enter, submit an essay of 1,000 words or less responding to the prompt (listed in the link) by April 20, 2020. If you'd like feedback from me on in, please share the google doc with me before April 13. (That will give you time to polish up after feedback from me.)

Here's the link: FFA Essay Contest

For March 23: today's enrichment work is from Grammar Girl, a
podcast on invented words for colors. Listen to the podcast and/or read the article. 
Click the link here: Grammar Girl-Colors