Friday, March 13, 2015

Into the Wild Project

Into the Wild Final Project

Step 1 – Select Your Items
Select five poems, song lyrics, images, or a combination of these that connect to Chris’s personality, way of living life, journeys, etc.
            (Do not select from the epigraphs already in the book.)

Step 2 – Create Your Presentation
Create an attractive, clear Prezi, Slidely, Powerpoint, etc. that includes these items.

Step 3 – Write Your Explanation Paragraphs
Write an explanatory paragraph for each item.
·         This paragraph will explain what connects the item to Chris and will include specifics and detail.

·         Additionally, your analysis should include specific examination of the part(s) of the text that connect to your item, with details and quotes drawn from the text.

Step 4 – Edit

This is not an essay; you do not need an introduction and conclusion, and you may use first and second person. It will follow essay conventions in grammar and mechanics, as well as MLA style. Include in-text citations and a bibliography that includes all quoted or paraphrased references.

Write well. Use effective variety in your word choices. (We’ll review this in class.)

Step 5 – Present Your Work
You will present only the visuals with an explanation. You will not need to present your paper. You may use notecards if you like or may present extemporaneously.


Presenter is audible, makes eye contact, does not stumble over material.      (10 points)

Presentation looks attractive, understandable, and interesting.                      (10 points)

20 points total

·        Organization and MLA conventions   
o   Does it make sense?                                                                10 points
o   Does it follow proper MLA style?                                          10 points
o   Does it contain a proper bibliography?                                   20 points
·        Content
o   Is it interesting, thought-provoking, and accurate?
o   Does essay contain specifics and detail?                                30 points
·        Mechanics
o   Are grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage correct?        30 points
·        Diction (Word Choice)
o   Does the essay include vivid, precise, and interesting           
o   Does it contain a variety of word choices?                             20 points

120 pts. total

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Days We Meet in Plant Science Computer Lab...

Wednesday, March 11
Thursday,  March 12
Friday,  March 13

Monday,  March 16 (Rough drafts due by end of class.)
Wednesday,  March 18
Thursday,  March 19
Friday,  March 20

Final drafts due: March 27

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Into the Wild Chapter 18 Paragraph Prompt

Write a paragraph on your thoughts for this chapter.

Into the Wild Chapter 16 Questions

Name ____________________________

Into the Wild Chapter 16 Questions

1.       What does Krakauer (the author) find inside the bus and what does it make you think/feel?

2.       How does Krakauer defend Chris McCandless in this chapter?